Eyelash Extensions

Proper aftercare is crucial for maintaining the longevity and appearance of your lash extensions. Here are some essential tips for lash extension aftercare:

  1. Be gentle with your lashes and avoid rubbing or pulling them. Excessive tugging can cause your natural lashes to fall out prematurely and may damage the extensions.

  2. Avoid oil-based products around your eyes, including makeup removers, cleansers, and moisturizers. Oil can weaken the adhesive bond, leading to premature lash extension loss. Look for oil-free alternatives.

  3. Use a mascara wand or a lash brush to comb your extensions daily. Gently brushing them helps to keep them separated, untangled, and in their proper place.

  4. Be cautious while applying eye makeup and please do not apply mascara to your extensions.

  5. Do not use an eyelash curler on your extensions. The extensions are already curled, and using a curler can damage both the extensions and your natural lashes.

  6. Be mindful of your sleeping positions. Try to sleep on your back to prevent your lashes from rubbing against the pillow. Alternatively, use a silk or satin pillowcase, which creates less friction.

  7. Avoid excessive heat exposure, such as saunas or hot yoga, as it can weaken the adhesive bond. Direct heat can also cause your extensions to singe.

  8. If you notice any irritation, redness, please reach out. We can assess the situation and provide appropriate advice or solutions.

Following these general guidelines will help keep your lash extensions looking beautiful and lasting longer.

Lash Lift

After getting a lash lift, it's important to follow proper aftercare to maintain the results and keep your lashes healthy. Here are some general guidelines for lash lift aftercare:

  1. Avoid getting your lashes wet for the first 24 to 48 hours after the treatment. This includes avoiding steam, saunas, swimming, and hot showers.

  2. Be gentle with your lashes and avoid rubbing or pulling them. This can cause damage and affect the curl.

  3. Avoid using mascara or any oil-based products on your lashes for the first 24 to 48 hours. Oil-based products can weaken the lift and make it less effective.

  4. Use a clean mascara wand or lash comb to separate and groom your lashes gently. This can help maintain the lift and keep them looking tidy.

  5. If you wear eye makeup, be cautious while removing it. Use a gentle, oil-free makeup remover and avoid rubbing your lashes vigorously.

  6. Avoid using eyelash curlers as they can damage the lifted lashes and undo the effect of the treatment.

  7. Be mindful of sleeping positions to prevent flattening or misshaping the lashes. Sleeping on your back or using a silk or satin pillowcase can help.

  8. If you experience any redness, irritation, or discomfort, please reach out so we can trouble shoot. 


Sugar paste is safe for all skin types, even the most sensitive!

Sugar paste is suitable for all skin types, including sensitive skin! By only adhering to the live skin cells, sugar paste only removes the dead skin cells and acts as a gentle exfoliation which is why it is best not to exfoliate a day before your service. In addition, we also ask that you avoid using any creams or lotions on the day of your service. Between sugaring appointments, it’s essential to keep the sugared areas exfoliated and moisturized (but not 24 hours before your appointment).

Things to do before your appointment:

Ensure that your hair is at the optimal length for sugaring, which is typically around 1/4 to 1/2 inch (6-12 mm) long. If your hair is too short, the paste might not be able to grip the hairs effectively.

Clean Skin: Cleanse the area to be sugared before your appointment. Make sure the skin is free of oils, lotions, and sweat, as these can interfere with the sugaring process.

Exfoliation: Gently exfoliate the area a day or two before your appointment. This helps remove dead skin cells and can prevent ingrown hairs. However, avoid harsh exfoliation on the day of the treatment, as it can make the skin more sensitive.

Avoid Sun Exposure: Avoid excessive sun exposure or tanning beds for at least 48 hours before your sugaring session. Sunburned skin is more sensitive and prone to damage during hair removal.

Avoid Retinoids: If you use products containing retinoids or other strong exfoliants, discontinue use in the treatment area a few days before your sugaring appointment, as these products can make the skin more sensitive and prone to irritation.

Pain Relief: If you're concerned about pain, you can take an over-the-counter pain reliever about 30 minutes before your appointment. This might help reduce discomfort.

Hydration: Stay well-hydrated before your treatment. Hydrated skin is generally more pliable and less prone to irritation.

Comfortable Clothing: Wear loose and comfortable clothing to your appointment. Tight clothing can cause friction and discomfort after sugaring.

Communicate Allergies or Sensitivities: If you have allergies, sensitive skin, or any medical conditions, inform your practitioner before the treatment. This will help them choose the right type of paste and ensure your safety.

Avoid Caffeine: Some people find that caffeine can increase sensitivity. Consider avoiding caffeine intake on the day of your treatment.

Relaxation: Try to arrive at your appointment in a relaxed state of mind. Stress and tension can make the experience feel more uncomfortable.

Remember that everyone's skin and pain tolerance are different, so what works for one person might not work for another. Following these pre-care tips can help you have a smoother and more successful sugaring experience.

Things to avoid after your appointment:

  • Perfumes

  • Exfoliation

  • Scented creams/lotions

  • Deodorant (for underarm appointments)

  • Heat, such as baths/steam rooms

  • Direct sunlight or tanning beds

  • Perspiration. Skip the gym and treat yourself instead!